Learn 16 English Tenses with us and Speak Fluently

English tenses can make you well dressed as they are speculative to learn. Why do you need to learn English out of those 7,000 spoken languages on earth? English is the language of global communication, the press, and the net. Whether it’s for professional or private reasons, knowing the value of English can help you accomplish your targets.
In this article, you will learn how to speak English correctly with examples of English tenses and conditions of all the sentence structures.
Table of Contents
How Learning English Tenses Will Benefit You?

Listed below are several reasons why you need to keep studying and enhance your English language abilities and English tenses:
- Though English isn’t the most spoken language on the planet, it’s the official language in 67 countries and 27 non-sovereign states. English is spoken as a primary language by approximately 400 million people globally. But that is not all, it’s likewise the most popular second language on earth.
- It provides you with an open doorway into the world and enables you to communicate with international citizens. In the global world, it’s necessary to learn English, so you can communicate with people all over the world with ease.
- English provides access to entertainment and accessibility on the web. These days, many movies, TV shows, music, and books are printed and created in English. By obtaining these websites, you’ll enhance your English listening and reading abilities.
- English is now the language of the net. An estimated 5.44 billion individuals use the internet daily and about 52 percent of the planet’s most visited sites are displayed in English.
- Thus, learning this language provides access to more than half the material of the World Wide Web, which may not be accessible otherwise. Whether it’s for pleasure or work, if you know English, then you’ll have the ability to swap information with more people on the internet and utilize a lot more materials.
- Airport statements, train timetables, crisis info, and road signs are usually accessible in English, such as in states where the native language employs another sort of alphabet. When traveling to a state in which you do not speak the language, you’re almost guaranteed to find someone who knows at least some English.
- English can cause you to be ‘smarter.’ Learning a foreign language enriches your analytical and cognitive skills. Learning a new language can be challenging and it entails a whole lot of emotional exercises.
- Research in the 2012 Swiss Study proves that learning a new language alters the mind structures, affecting the areas of the brain responsible for memory, and conscious ideas and it might make you more creative.
On an individual level, it enhances character and increases awareness of self-worth. Learning English isn’t merely useful, but in addition, it provides a whole lot of satisfaction, and earning progress will cause you to feel great.
Why don’t you make it more concrete by carrying out a standardized evaluation to reevaluate your competence? Should you be feeling sufficiently positive and if you would like to rate your English language proficiency and English tenses, then simply enroll for a TOEIC test.
Summary of English Tenses Rules

There are three types of English tenses: past, present, and future. Past, present, and future tenses are further divided into four kinds: simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous.
Simple present
- In the simple present, tender is unchanging, general, scheduled, or happening at certain intervals.
- Uses: “verb” / “verb-s.”
Present continuous
- Present continuous means the action happening is currently happening or soon.
- Uses: “Is + verb-ing.”
Simple past
- The action that happened before now.
- Uses: “Verb-ed.”
Past continuous
- The action is interrupted by an event or a time.
- Uses: “Was + verb-ing.”
Simple future
- The action will happen later than now.
- Uses: “Will + verb,” “Is going to + verb.”
Future continuous
- The action will be interrupted by an event or a time.
- Uses: “Will be + verb-ing,” or “Is going to be + verb-ing.”
A Table for English Tenses
Simple | Continuous | Perfect | Perfect Continuous | |
P R E S E N T | Form: Sub+Verb(Present/V1) Habits and routines: I drink coffee every morning. Fact: Cathy works as a teacher. I/We/They/You Work /He/She/It Work Works | Form: Sub+is/am/are+Verb(ing)Actions Happening now(at the time of speaking): I am drinking coffee right now. We are having breakfast. It is raining outside. Temporary activities: Ali is learning to play the guitar. My sister is staying with us for a couple of weeks. Changes taking place now: The price of flour is increasing rapidly. | Form: Sub+has/have+Verb(Past participle/V3) I/We/They/ You Have He/She/It Has Experiences: I have taught English to many students. Hamza has visited France four times. We saw two movies last week. Recent actions or events: I have finished my homework. Jimmy has lost his glasses. If want to mention a specific time then use past simple. I finished my homework at 6:30 p.m. Umair lost his glasses at the party. | Form: Sub+has/have been+Verb(ing) Actions that started in the past and are continuing: I have been waiting to see the doctor for two hours. Since/For Amount of time. e.g.: 2 hrs For the starting point of the action. e.g.: 5 p.m. She has been learning English for eight months/since last October. I’m waiting to see the doctor for two hours. He’s playing tennis since he was a child. |
P A S T | Form: Sub+Verb(Past/V2) Completed Actions in the past: I played soccer with my friends last Saturday. Arslan gave us a present for our wedding anniversary. | Form: Sub+was/were+Verb (ing) I/He/She/It Was We/They/You Were Unfinished, Ongoing action in the past(+finished action): I was having dinner with my family when the doorbell rang. Past___Now____Future We also mention another finished action that interrupted it: If we mention a finished action that interrupted the continuous action, it is in the past simple Form: Sub+Past tense verb (like” the doorbell rang”) It was raining when Ali left for work. The power went out while the children were studying. While we were waiting at the bus stop, we saw a car accident. | Form: Sub+had+Verb(Past participle/ V3) The first past action when there are two or more past actions (To show which action happened first): When we got to the theater, the movie had started. I was sick because I had eaten too much the previous night. | Form: Sub+had been+Verb(ing) The first (continuous) past action: I felt really tired because I had been driving all day. She had been waiting for two hours when the doctor finally arrived. |
F U T U R E | Form: Sub+is/am/are+Verb(ing) Actions happening now(at the time of speaking): I am drinking coffee right now. We are having breakfast. It is raining outside. Temporary activities: Ali is learning to play the guitar. My sister is staying with us for a couple of weeks. Changes taking place now: The price of flour is increasing rapidly. | Form: Sub+will be+Verb(ing) Ongoing actions in the future: At 11 a.m. tomorrow, I’ll be driving to Portland. Fixed or routine events: I’ll be staying at the UAF in T.T.S. I am staying……. I am going to stay…….. | Form: Sub+will have+Verb(past participle/V3) Completed actions in the future: By December, Waqar will have saved $300. By 5 p.m. We’ll have painted the living room. | Form: Sub+will have been+Verb(ing) Ongoing action in the future(with duration): By March, Ali will have been saving money for six months. By 2 p.m., we’ll have been painting the living room for ten hours. |
English tenses are part and parcel of our daily lives. You can’t speak English properly if you don’t know the sentence and tense structure. In many countries which aren’t native to the English language learn the tenses and their rules from an early age. You can carefully read the above table, and take help from guidebooks, grammar books, or YouTube lessons on tenses to solidify the rules in your brain.
Let us know in the comments section if you have any confusion about the English tenses, form, structure, usage, or examples.
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