Water Genasi: History, Features & Top Classes

Explore the enchanting abilities of a Water Genasi including water walk, call the waves, dark vision acid resistance, and others in Dungeons & Dragons.
Are you a thrill-seeker and plan to relish all your wildest fantasies in the Dungeons & Dragons gameplay, it’s your cue to choose Water Genasi today. Why so? These slippery wicked creatures are best during aquatic campaigns, the Genasi can weave their way through water waves and conquer their water-wielding powers like they are sweeping through land.
Breathing underwater, swimming underwater is like a child’s play to them. No need to come up for oxygen to be filled into the lungs, no fear of hypothermia, and no need to wander over land, nothing nada.
Although they haven’t much to do and no need for water campaigns, then you can choose any other genasi you like. You can even choose a non-genasi species. But if it’s an experience underwater and you want to see the shape of water, being equipped with this species won’t be a loss.
In this guide, we will unravel the history of water genasi, how they look, their special traits, and the best classes that are highly recommended.
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Origin of Water Genasi
If you have a mythical interest, you might be aware that all genasi are ruled by natural elements. In the case of water, ganasi are born from the ones that live on the Elemental Planes aka Elemental Planes of water. Some genasi are traced back to the efreets or djinn who have come to the Material Plane and fallen for a mortal, and their life made them rule this plane and swell there for eternity.
While other genasi are born to non-genasi parents they used to dwell near water and are blessed with efreet’s water-compelling abilities.
What do they look like? A water genasi is identified by its glistening skin that seems to be wet all the time and has greenish-bluish aquatic skin tone that screams of their unique heritage. Their hair looks like a burbling Brook but is long and wavy with an enchanting touch. They have this ability to breathe underwater without moving up to take oxygen to fill into the lungs and they can even create water with their magical abilities.
If you are a genasi, then imagine yourself being a small or medium-sized creature who has a swimming speed and walking speed of 30 feet. When you are in game mode, increase your walking speed score by 2 points and your swimming speed score by one point.
Water Genasi Features
Several features that you have to be well aware of in the Water Genasi as they come in handy during the gameplay.
Acid Resistance
By having this feature, the players are resistant to any acid attack or damage. As most animals have acid breath or acid spit, having this acid resistance can be advantageous in the game setting.
It gets darker the more you dive under the water, so having a dark vision is definitely a plus. It lets you see as far as 60 feet like it’s in bright light. You can identify colors in this darkness as nuances of grey.
It’s difficult to attach light underwater so having this feature helps a genasi see objects and obstacles in an aquatic campaign.
Call to the Wave
How does it sound? I know that you can command the waves. The acid splash cantrip which initiates at the third level lets the water genasi create or destroy water spells with the trait. The fifth level lets the genasi water walk with any prop or additional material.
But the catch here is that once you have named or destroyed the water cast or water walk with this feature, you can’t create or destroy until you finish a resting time. You can also cast this magic by using any other spell slots you have of sufficient level.
Charisma, intelligence, and wisdom are the spellcasting abilities for these spells that can be cast with this feature. As you are a water ganasi, you already have powers of aquatic magic. Acid splash won’t be a useful cantrip, but creating and destroying water helps greatly in this scenario.
Water Walk
This feature isn’t utilized casually but is a situational one. But it has the potential to let a genasi walk through the deadliest liquids i.e., acid and lava like it’s nothing, like you are moving on solid ground.
You can breathe air and water in the aquarium setting and you won’t drown, isn’t it just cool? Being a water genasi lets you breathe underwater without even needing to drink a water-breathing potion or spell.
You can make your adventuring companions envious with your spectacular ability to breathe and swim underwater in the same manner as you would on the soil.
5 Best Classes For Water Genasi
Being a water genasi comes with its perks like they already have magic spells but that doesn’t make it a cue to play the magic-wielding character. As water adapts to any container, the genasi could do so without even betting eyelash.
But these are some of the best classes that allow a water genasi character to do wonders.
- Paladin
The Paladins may know about the spells a genasi can pull off besides the Oath of the Open Sea subclass. It’s like expanding your spell-creating abilities as a Paladin. Acid splash can be a decent approach and has some strong impact along with acid resistance that proves to be a useful asset for adventurers.
- Bard
A water genasi can surely do any magic on its own but it’s something a Bard can’t and has to take classes to learn the intricacies.
If a bard has dark vision and acid resistance then it’s surely great and even acid splash seems to be a fantastic ability and it’s way better than vicious mockery as a damaging cantrip.
- Sorcerer
The Sorcerers are pretty equipped with learning everything a genasi has on its sleeves. But if they learn and completely adapt it naturally then they can learn newer and more useful spells.
- Warlock
Undoubtedly, Eldritch Blast is a more powerful, dynamic, and damaging cantrip if compared with Acid Splash. It’s a pretty appropriate choice for blood-hound warlocks who desire high-damage outcomes.
Remember if you are a water genasi and already gave these abilities due to your heritage then it’s useless to choose The Fathomless subclass and Gift of the Death Eldritch Invocation because it is redundant.
You must analyze the character’s strength and optimize it by choosing further advantages that complement the existing strengths.
- Wizard
Wizards are somewhat similar to Sorcerers as they are equally able to learn every spell as water genasi knows. This flexibility allows them to learn more spells that will be useful in the long run and will come in handy in expanding their magical repertoire.

Acid damage resistance is useful for wizards as they get fewer points in this category than other classes so resistance brings longevity during combat and makes them more durable in situations.
But still, be cautious about which ability and play style suits best your wizard during play and how the abilities and resistances synergy.
In conclusion, Water Genasi is a character I’m Dungeons & Dragons gameplay. This character has greenish bluish skin which is always slimy and wet with long waves that resemble a burbling brook. They have their lineage since the time an efreet offspring belonged to the Elemental plane of water and fell in love with mortal and came to material plan and dwelled within the water and conquered the water-wielding traits. It could be a non-genasi species living near water imbued with the sake abilities and given birth to genasi.
However, it’s a myth so the scenario could be either one. These genasi can resist acid splash, call the water waves, walk on the water, and breathe or swim underwater. Some classes are recommended for water genasi characters like Sorcerers, wizards, warlocks, bards, and paladins, so choose the one whose resistance and abilities you can easily synergize to make the most out of this gameplay.
Frequently Asked Questions on Water Genasi
Which class is best for a water genasi?
Paladin is known to be the best class due to the exceptional properties of martial arts. Acid Resistance resistance is helpful even dark vision has its advantages. But the acid splash gives a powerful descent attack which is pretty helpful.
Is Water Genasi a good race?
May or maybe not, water genasi are surely more durable than other genasi species but they are less powerful. Some of the genasi species have a lifespan identical to that of mortals.
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