
5 Compelling Reasons to Hire a Virtual Assistant

Whether you have started a new business or are already running one, it is impossible to handle all the tasks by yourself. And suppose if you do so, both your business and your health can collapse badly.

Here comes the role of a virtual assistant. A virtual assistant is a self-employed individual offering either a specific service or a variety of services, such as handling emails, scheduling meetings and managing accounts, etc for your business.

According to Zippia, around 53.8% of virtual assistants have a bachelor’s degree. This means that if you hire a virtual assistant, you might be getting help from an individual who has proven they have the discipline and mindset to complete years of demanding academic work.

There are various other compelling reasons why you should consider hiring a virtual assistant. In this short guide, we’ll let you know five clear reasons why getting a virtual assistant is important for your business’s productivity and success.

We will also share some tips for choosing the right virtual assistant for your business and explain where to hire them. So keep reading.

1. Increase Your Productivity

When you become bogged down with certain tasks, you may lose sight of the bigger picture and struggle to achieve your goals. A virtual assistant can relieve you of mundane and time-exhausting tasks so that you can focus on the core aspects of your business.

You won’t need the assistant to be present either. You can easily communicate with them via email or a chat application. You can also call them from time to time to explain things quickly so you can get on with your day and become more productive. 

2. Save Money

When you hire a virtual assistant, it is often a lot cheaper than getting a traditional personal assistant. If you hire a full-time personal assistant, you have many things to consider about employment laws.

Typically, a VA is easier to work with and cheaper because they work with you in a freelance capacity. You might, for instance, be able to get a very competent VA from another part of the world where their expected wage is lower. You might also pay them for productive time only (unlike traditional in-house staff).

3. Find New Talent

There’s a whole world of talent out there waiting to be tapped into. Why limit yourself to local workers when you can search the globe for the right assistant?

The benefits of a VA may differ a lot, depending on where they are from and their experience. For instance, if you work with the Chinese market a lot, it makes sense to consider a VA from China. They could communicate with you in English and your suppliers, for example, in Chinese.

4. Avoid Burnout:

Burnout is a common issue among new entrepreneurs and business owners. In fact, according to a study, 49% of entrepreneurs suffer from mental issues, including burnout.

By hiring a virtual assistant, you can reduce the chances of mental burnout. The virtual assistant will look after the non-core and repetitive tasks of your business.

As a result, you will get enough time to focus on your core tasks and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

5. Enjoy more Flexibility

One of the main reasons why you need to hire a VA is that you can say goodbye to long-term staff commitments.

For example, you might have a period in the year when you need extra help because things get busy. In this instance, you could hire a VA for a two-month contract to help you out instead of hiring a full-time worker who would come into your office. 

How To Hire The Right Virtual Assistant?

No doubt hiring a virtual assistant will help you in various ways, but it can happen only if you hire the right virtual assistant.

Here, I am going to share some tips with you that will help you select the right virtual assistant for your business.

  • The first step starts with you. Sit down and note down the tasks you want your VA to do for the business. Highlight the one-time tasks and repetitive tasks. 

Evaluate if these tasks require special skills and require the VA to work at specific hours only. This will help you make the right job description.

  • Next, see if the virtual assistant you are interviewing has relevant experience, qualifications, and good reviews.
  • Also, make sure that they have a technical background because you will be communicating with them via online software, and if they struggle while using them, it can create problems for you.
  • And yes, one more important thing to notice is their personality. See if they are responsible and have good communication skills. This will help you get a responsible and efficient VA.

Where To Hire Virtual Assistants?

With the increasing number of professional online platforms, hiring a virtual assistant has become very easy. With a database of about 1 billion members, LinkedIn is one of the biggest platforms to look for professionals.

Various virtual assistant agencies have skilled virtual assistants. They can provide you with an experienced virtual assistant with the skill set you are looking for. Check out for reliable and competent VAs.

But always remember, whether you are hiring from social platforms like LinkedIn or a virtual assistant agency, always look for reviews and evaluate the candidates on your own for long-term success.


A virtual assistant is essential for any business, whether a startup or a well-established company.

They can help you increase your productivity by handling repetitive and non-core tasks. Hiring a virtual assistant allows you to find and hire the best talent in other parts of the world. Since they will be working remotely, you will also save money.

It also gives you the flexibility to get the services of professionals for short-term projects, freeing you from any long-term commitments. Most importantly, it will reduce your workload and help you maintain a work-life balance.

Hiring the right virtual assistant can be a daunting task, especially if you are doing it for the first time. We have shared some tips on hiring the right virtual assistant for your business.

Also, we have explained where you can hire a virtual assistant so that you can hire the best one for your business.

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Waqar Ahmad

Waqar Ahmad, CEO of, brings over 6 years of expertise in the dynamic realm of SEO. With a passion for delivering authentic and valuable information, his focus spans across Business, Technology, Celebrities, and Trending topics. Waqar excels in Technical SEO, Link Building, and Keyword Searching, navigating Google's algorithms with finesse. His goal is to provide readers and content seekers with specific knowledge served with a dash of grammar and English flair. With a knack for crafting engaging strategies, Waqar ensures targeted organic traffic flow to websites. Join him on a journey where information meets excitement!

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