Is Below Deck Med Season 8 Watchable, Episode Guide and Cast

The Below Deck franchise has notable variety shows, whereas Below Deck Med Season 8 has been thrilling and dramatic like the previous seasons of the show. The fans showed enthusiasm over the overwhelming season, controversial cast, and surprising twists.
The most scandalous moment in the show was when Kyle Viljoen drove his friend to the edge. Natalya Scudder left the season midway due to the toxic personality of Kyle and proclaimed he turned her off badly. Whereas, Max Salvador and Luke Brunton shocked the cast with their surprising antics and terrible bosun experience simultaneously.
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Do The Fans Not Like Below Deck Med Season 8?

The drama on the yacht was so extensive, that even Captain Sandy Yawn couldn’t control it. The viewers who love Below Deck Mediterranean have also watched the spin-off, but season 8 isn’t as intriguing as the previous seasons. Most of the fans think that the season was minimalistic and many things could be improved in it.
Additionally, some thought that Season 8 lasted for an eternity and the fans were waiting for it to conclude for good. Another fan wrote that they are waiting for something better to start, and he could watch the first season of Sailing Yacht twice, rather than watching the Below Deck Med Season 8.
Below Deck Med Season 8 Cast
In Season 8, Captain Sandy has the following newcomers on the yacht:
- Chef Jack Luby
- Chief Stew Tumi Mhlongo
- Stew Kyle Viljoen
- Stew Natalya Scudder
- Stew Jessika Asai
- Bosun Ruan Irving
- Lead Deckhand Luka Brunton
- Deckhand Lara Du Preez
- Deckhand Haleigh Gorman
Below Deck Mediterranean Season 8 Episode Guide
Episode 1: The Italian Job
On the beautiful river of the Italian Riviera, Captain Sandy embarks on a new yacht journey. The two stews of the captain in Episode 1 seem to have unexpected issues while trying to embark on the yacht to initiate their adventurous journey. As the deck team faces numerous issues, it requires the captain to take strong actions to maintain the balance.
Episode 2: Two Many Cooks

In the second episode, the crew and deckhand both face troubles. The deckhand has to step up in surprising incidents, while the crew has to take care of seasick passengers. The issues steer to the impromptu voyage to Portofino, where Natalya comes across her new chief stew for the first time. Natalya’s role is to keep the interior team afloat.
Episode 3: We Have Only Just Begun
In episode 3, Tumi and Natalya squabble over the differences in their management styles. Later, a new deck and Steward Kyle join the crew on the yacht. Although everyone is stuck here with unhappy quests, the interior team uses some strategies to make them happy. All in all, everything goes well, only Tumi and Chef Jack have trouble communicating with others on the voyage.
Episode 4: Take it to the Bridge
In episode 3, the tension gets higher among the crew members as there are open flirtations and a torn stew between the couple’s open relationship. During a rough docking, the communications between the teammates of the deck get strained and they were to rival amongst stew spills. The workplace is no longer stable, therefore, the captain has to intervene.
Episode 5: Max Tension
Among the deckmates, one member has a questionable work ethic which draws on the other members’ nerves. As a consequence, Bosun gets involved in the affair to motivate the deck team. Apart from that, stews bury two hatchets for the sake of peace and morale among the crew. The crew is on its toes after the arrival of energetic past charter guests and the baby. Moreover, once again Captain Sandy intervenes as things get heated between two deckhands.
Episode 6: Pirate’s Booty Call
In Episode 6, a lot of things happen, such as an elaborate part among the whole crew and charter guests, Bosun’s cool vibe under pressure during the dicking challenge, the Chief Stew and Chef redefining their friendship, and a kiss between Bosun and a stew, igniting their relationship dynamics.
Episode 7: Tightly Unwound
In the seventh episode, the crew notices young women on the yacht. They are attracted to their chattering and notice them. Apart from that, the chief stewardess and the interior department had a row, which left them uncertain. Whereas, Captain Sandy has an accident, dangerous enough to impact everyone in the charter season.
Episode 8: Who Needs Frenemies
In episode 8, Bosun changes his romantic focus from the stew and the chef gives in to his temptations. In contrast to the crew drama, charter guests carry on their festivities with the crew members, even after the charter ends. If there’s an argument among the crew members, the peace and friendship of the yacht could end.
Episode 9: Ciao for Now
In episode 9, many things happen in the Below Deck Med Season 8 as there’s a day off for the crew and they relax at a beach resort. Rather than enjoying their holiday, they’re stuck fraught with tension and division from the previous night’s kerfuffle. One member could not take the frustration anymore and went to Captain Sandy. The ongoing activity and frustration of the crew puts Sandy in a difficult situation. Once again, Bonus ignites his new romance in the reality show.
Episode 10: Dirty Laundry
The tenth episode was quite thrilling as deckhands faced the most challenging docking and thought that the chef was out to get them. Whereas, a deckhand tries to persuade them to stay on the boat and a new crew member is showing a lack of necessary skills.
Episode 11: Safety Dance
Romance blossoms over two meters on the yacht, making them come closer, whereas the chef and a crew member have a clash that divides the whole interior team. Bosun keeps making trouble and Sandy can’t take it any longer as it’s becoming a safety concern for others. The crew chief is frustrated as his new member isn’t skillful.
Episode 12: Sink or Swim
After everyone in the charter group becomes unruly, Sandy talks to the primary charter guests. Moreover, Bonus’s affection for his love interests develops as his love responds to him, whereas Chief Sew has a furious row with a crew member.
Episode 13: High Steaks
A guest seeks conflict with the crew members, their two members are down and someone complains about the food, which lands them in activities water. Captain takes notice of the food, while crew members find their jobs hanging in thin air.
Episode 14: Caught Red Hand
The Bosun texts a chief and it turns into a damage control crisis. The chef faces culinary changes with a blindfolded dinner, and the deckhand gets into the lead deckhand.
Episode 15: Crub Your Stewsiasm
The final charter of the season ends with inclement weather coming in. In the episode, the chief stew and Bosun work tirelessly to organize activities for the guests, relying on the assistance of the fourth stew.
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