Why People Hate Trump? Is He Racists and Disrespectful to Women?

Why people hate Trump? Is it a wondering question? Do you hate Trump well or just curious about the people who hate him? In liberal circles, it has become hearsay that the second coming of Hitler or Mussolini is near as the 2024 presidential election race is imminent.
Since the onset of the national security state, none of the presidents were exempt from being involved with the onset of wars around the globe. Whereas, Trump hadn’t taken part in any onset of wars and had a rather peaceful regime. For instance, his predecessor Barack Obama was involved with the Afghanistan invasion, while his descender Joe Biden is involved in the Israel onslaught of Palestine.
One of the major reasons why people hate Trump is due to his fascist remarks and ethno-nationalist motives. However, these things appealed to the Whites of the U.S. and became major support in the election. In the article, we will discuss what are the reasons which make people hate Trump and whether is he as bad as the media projects him.
Table of Contents
Why People Hate Trump? Is Trump a Fascist?
Having haters in life is natural as one can’t be loved by everyone. Hence, Trump isn’t exempt from this human feeling and has massive haters. However, many people call Trump a fascist, but do you think he is one?
Trump isn’t a fascist, particularly when he was in power. During COVID-19 could exercise his power and move toward dictatorship. But, he didn’t do so and preferred isolationism. Rather, he is an anti-elitist as he began the anti-elitist America First movement in his country.
Did Trump Cause Any Massive Wars During His Residency?
The Trump regime remained in “the deep state” without showing any inclination toward any war project. In 2020, many people were expecting a new liberal government, and forever wars. However, the wars weren’t initiated by the U.S. Trump, rather they resulted as a consequence of various confrontations in the elections after his regime.
Russia’s confrontation with Ukraine, Iran’s conflict with Israel, China – U.S. stunning foreign relations, and the Palestine-Israel conflict all occurred during Joe Biden’s presidency. Could Israel depend on America, if Trump were the president? If Trump is re-elected, the demographics of the ongoing genocide and conflicts might change again. Trump was the one to cease the U.S. project in Afghanistan.
Donald Trump in the 2015 U.S. elections and Hate
In the first three months after becoming president, Donald Trump had a -10 rating, making him the only president with a rating below zero during his first 100 days in the white house. Furthermore, approximately 42% of Americans approve of the Donald Trump administration while 58% are those who are not satisfied with Trump’s performance during that period.
Reasons Why People Hate Donald Trump?
The following are the reasons why people hate Donald Trump:
Oddly Reminiscent Speeches
If we talk about the peculiar conversations of Mr. President, first of all, it’d be good to mention the speech of Donald Trump which he delivered at the Liberty University of Virginia. The special thing about that speech is that it resembles Reese Witherspoon’s character Elle Woods’s Harvard graduation speech in the movie.
Considering that movie Elle says, “It is with passion, the courage of conviction…”, On the flip side, Trump said in his speech, ‘passion, courage in your convictions…”.
In addition, Trump said,” Most importantly, be true to yourself.” Whereas Elle was also having similar words, “most importantly, have faith in yourself”.

Other than that in 2016, Melania Trump’s speech was considered as plagiarized as Mrs. Obama delivered. After that, Melania Trump tried to cover this by saying that she was just inspired by her words. Although, many would believe that it’s not a big deal. But, being a president you must choose your own words.
Trump has been obsessed with race for a long time. He had a history of passing racial comments. Here are some of the repulsive statements passed by Trump who refers to himself as “the least racist of all.” He called the blacks “lazy.”
If we move further then another point comes,
“Black guys are counting my money! I hate it… I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks”.
In the presidential campaign of 2016, he called the Mexican guys criminals and rapists. In June 2017, He said that 15000 persons from Mexico have AIDS and the people from Nigeria once seen in the USA would never go back to Africa.
Trump once referred to the Hispanic Miss Universe as housekeeping. Moreover, Trump refers to the African American nation as a shithole.
Insulting Women
Trump has a bad history of insulting women at every spot where he finds a good moment, he uses that moment to insult women. Here are some proofs of this point.
Firstly, “Robert Pattinson should not take back Kriston Stewart. She cheated on him like a dog, and will do it again. Just watch!! He can do much better”.
Moreover, at the 9/11 memorial, Donald said to a female survivor “THANKS SWEETIE, THAT’S NICE”. At the moment he received so many backlashes for being so inappropriate in the situation which demanded a serious response.
Here is all about the Mother of Contradiction:
“I have great respect for women. I was the one who broke the glass ceiling on behalf of women, more than anybody in the construction industry”.
From all of the above points, I conclude that women have their respect and dignity which can’t be eradicated by anyone. But Mr. President has a bad habit of doing this. That’s why people hate Trump.
Throwing Muck on the Former President Barack Obama
Trump has an extreme fight with former president Barack Obama, even though he was suspicious that Obama was not born in the United States as well.
Surprisingly, Trump sent an investigator to Hawaii to search for the birth certificate of Obama back in 2012. Furthermore, he has some other conflicts also with Obama.
A Non Believer of Unity is Strength
Trump has often degraded the non-Africans and the citizens. In a 1993 radio interview, he suggested that the native Americans and the others are the problems for the country.
Talking more about this, in the November 2017 meeting with Navaho Verdeans of WW2, Trump mocked Senator Elizabeth by calling her Pocahontas! Also, building a wall for Mexicans from entering his territory is not surprising.
Direct Attack on the Media and News Reporter
During his presidential campaign, at a rally, Trump waved his arm in a way that he mocked the disability of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski.
He was talking about the comments made by Kovaleski and mocked his hands in a way to make fun of his disability. He has the habit of calling media journalists and reporters directly and indirectly as dumb.

Most prominently, he called the Wall Street Journal as dummies. Trump also encouraged his supporters to attack the journalists, after he tweeted the video of himself throwing a person down with the CNN LOGO in the event of pro wrestling.
Questionable Character
Out of all the worthy comments, Trump has made, the creepiest would be on his daughter Ivanka Trump. During an interview where he said that if Ivanka wasn’t my daughter, I might have been dating her. Again and again, he gave questionable speeches that deemed him insane, A Threat to the LGBT Community.
Approximately 2/3 of the LGBTQ community says that they feel less secure from the time Donald Trump took office because of their sexuality.
Furthermore, he said,
He said he would be the difference, the first Republican president to embarrass LGBTQ people. He also holds a flag of LGBTQ at a campaign event for his support. After he secured his position he tweeted,
Worst Policy Decisions
Trump canceled the Trans-Pacific Partnership which would have promoted U.S. trade at the point where China is now. He did this just because he thought every decision Obama made was terrible.
His decision to denigrate an already persecuted group, the transgender troops…strikes as the most repugnant thing that he has done.
By issuing the Muslim ban, he threw the immigration system into chaos, encouraged the stereotype that immigrants and refugees are immoral and dangerous people, and stoked anti-American opinions around the world.
Putting the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement and other actions he took in the context are neglecting the climate realities. Every individual knows the harmful effects of climate change on every species. Keeping this in mind, Trump shouldn’t have done this.
In a nutshell, it is good to say that man is a combination of bad and good deeds. But the life of a common person is certainly different from the life of a celebrity. The hate Trump gets is a reaction to his speech and actions, however, one can’t elude his efforts as a president or the good things he has done.
The reason is that millions of people follow him, every word becomes an inspiration for the people and a moment of embarrassment for others if he remarks something absurd or disgraceful. Moreover, his involvement with various harassment cases in court is another reason why people hate Trump.
From all of the above points, one can understand why people hate Trump. So, the focal point of this article isn’t to spread hate about Donald Trump but to make people aware of the attitude of that person.
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