LINES WRITTEN IN EARLY SPRING: Fascinating Poem For Nature Lover.

Lines written in early spring is a well-known poem written by William Wordsworth. Here we will discuss the summary or explanation of this poem and also a poet.
This article will also help you to get some important information about this poem “Lines written in early spring“. And you can use this useful information in your class or exams.
It is a poem for higher education studies like intermediate and graduation etc.
The most premier and prominent thing about this particular article is that this short but laconic article will help you to get prepared for the class presentation.
We know and care about it that it is pretty difficult to give a presentation and confront the whole class with your fuss.
But the main point is that it is difficult to perform when you do not have enough information about the concerning topic because without knowledge you can’t speak enough.
We wrote this article Lines written in early spring, especially for this purpose.
So first of all here we will discuss the short but meaningful introduction of the poet.
William Wordsworth:
Regarding the realm of “William Wordsworth”, he was born in England in 1770.
He performed with Samuel Taylor Coleridge on Lyrical Ballads (1798). He awed at nature and its ravishing beauty.

The poem “Lines are written in early spring” is the best poem that describes his avid towards nature and its stellar scenes. He became England’s poet laureate in 1843. He died on April 23, 1850.
Main Theme Of Lines Written In Early Spring:
In this poem, Wordsworth chronicles a bittersweet moment/flash. The poem reclines in an alluring grove surrounded by the blended notes of nature.

And yet, even as he enjoys the spectacle, it galvanizes a melancholy mood, and begins to have dark thoughts about humanity. Nature has connected itself to his soul, also leading to sadly and begin to question himself that
What man has made of man?
Even as he does this, however, he takes in the mesmerizing scene that prevails upon him. At the end of the poem, the poet looks more closely at the seeming jubilant birds, plants, and other creatures of nature.
“As the concrete jungle sprawls
around us, so does our need to
be close to nature” (Zachary Smith)
Lines written in early spring is a landscape poem that is completely concerned with nature. In it, the unknown narrator lounges beneath a tree in the wilderness and contemplates the substitutes that society has undergone around him.
As the poet sits there and muses on nature and especially its beauty. And its seamless existence, his introspection turns completely to the misery of man, and to the miseries that they wrought on each other.

The poet says that all humans became materialistic and swamped with their frivolous activities and burning the midnight oil in order to enhance their living but the focal point in this is that humans actually don’t know about the realities of nature.
According to WordsWorth, nature is the mere thing that iron-out our living to make our life peaceful.
“Those who find beauty in all of nature
will find themselves at one with the
secret of life itself.” (WAQAR AHMAD)
The poet tells us that, the birds around him are looking very ecstatic and enjoys nature’s beauty. He says that he can’t measure their thoughts but seemed a thrill of pleasure in all of them.
“You will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your life until both have been tested by nature”. (WAQAR AHMAD)
Wordsworth ends lines written in Early spring with the same lament that was mentioned earlier; What man has made of man?
Throughout the poem, there was an attempt by mother nature in order to cure the injured vitality of the poet-speaker; near the end, despite the best efforts of nature herself.
We expect that this article about “Lines written in early spring” will surely help you out in order to figure out the summary of this ravishing poem.
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