
Neuralink: Elon Musk’s 1st Crazy Invention Goes Viral

Neuralink is a company under Elon Musk that has created its first product, called Telepathy. Telepathy is an invasive BCI brain-computer interface) technology that is pioneering in the field to upgrade the most complex of organs – the human brain. You might have heard the word telepathy in Marvel films and sci-fiction movies, however, it has become a reality now. 

Multiple companies are working on BCI chips, and they have even obtained the license to install the chips in human brains after successful clinical testing of them on animals. In 2016, Mush founded the neural interface technology – based company, Neuralink. The company aims to achieve a symbiosis between modern artificial intelligence and the human mind. 

Has Neuralink Implanted Their First Human BCI Chip in Humans?

In January 2024, Musk proclaimed that they had implanted their first human BCI Chip in a human and he can control a mouse just through thinking. He doesn’t need to move his hands or anything. If he thinks about moving the mouse then it will move automatically. 

Moreover, the company is looking for volunteers to participate in their prime study. Many people are against the human chip implants, whereas others view it as a breakthrough to human limitations. The human brain has always been a sensitive topic, and surgeries on the brain can be fatal. 

Therefore, the neural technology interface-based company is hiring volunteers to test the after-effects and usability of their BCI chips. They require individuals having limited mobility in all four limbs due to ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) to evaluate the safety of implants and surgical robots. 

Moreover, people with spinal cord injury at least a year ago can also volunteer if they want to. All the volunteers would have to undergo six years of training and follow-up sessions. 

Why Did Musk Create BCI Human Implant Chips?

The goal, Musk says, is to “solve salient brain and spine problems with a seamlessly implanted device.” The device, almost the size of a large coin, a “Fitbit in your skull, with tiny wires,” is designed to be implanted into the skull using an efficient surgical robot that is capable of inserting six threads into the brain in one minute.

The device, embedded with numerous electrodes joined to thin and flexible threads connected to a brain-to-machine chipset called N1, measuring 23 mm by 8 mm deep, offers the potential to treat brain disorders and help people with disabilities, enabling them to interact with machines and control them using their minds.

Neuralink: Elon Musk’s 1st Crazy Invention Goes Viral

“It could restore your eyesight, even if you’ve lost your optic nerve,” Musk said during an interview on Joe Rogan’s podcast. There are several potential extra, recreational, and consumer implications too.

The company has discussed the possibility of streaming music directly into users’ brains and as sci-fi-esque as it sounds, Musk also says that there could come a time when humans would not even need to speak to communicate.

How Will Neuralink Technology Revolutionize Living?

This technology could revolutionize the process of writing by removing the need to tap keyboard keys using fingers, or the process of driving a car by ending the need to touch the wheel, and play games or enjoy experiences by channeling them to your brain directly.  

The implant that transmits neural signals, called the Link, is inductively charged after a full-day battery life. Each thread of the device will be placed in the brain, allowing it to monitor the brain task or activity of a thousand neurons.

However, that sounds like a small sample because the human brain has 86 billion neurons all transmitting information through electric signals via synapses.

The link also contains temperature and pressure sensors as well as sensors measuring angle, orientation, and inertia.   

“It will also be possible,” mentioned Musk, “to imbed more than one device in a single brain and gain information from different areas.”  

Has Neuralink Received the License for Human Experiments?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration provided a green signal to Elon Musk’s first crazy invention Neuralink Projects by providing them a license for clinical trials in May 2023. The company has been trying to get the green signal from the regulator for some years, however, they were facing many allegations and controversies. But, musk didn’t stop its endeavors and finally received the license.  

Neuralink: Elon Musk’s 1st Crazy Invention Goes Viral

In September 2023, they announced plans to accept individuals with quadriplegia for enrolment in their case study. The early aims of Neuralink were meshing with human brains and helping individuals with disabilities. However, it has become in line with neural keyboards presently, and helping people with paralysis to operate digital devices. 

Their study into implanting basis and experimentation with animals resulted in a federal investigation of dead study animals. There were various controversies regarding the transport of hazardous materials, dead animals, and torturing animals. 

How does Elon Musk’s First Crazy Invention Neuralink Clinically Test the BCI Human Chips?

So far, this technology has only been tested on rats, monkeys, and pigs. In August this year, a pig named Gertrude was introduced, who had the chip placed in her head for over two months.

The link sent wireless signals which were plotted on a graph keeping a record of her neural activity while she ate and sniffed around. With enough of these signals, it became possible to predict Gertrude’s movements in real time.   

Although Elon Musk’s first crazy invention Neuralink was granted designation as a breakthrough device by the US Food and Drug Administration, FDA, in July, it still needs to go through required safety testing and approval before it begins commencing human trials and implants.

There are concerns about implanting electronics inside of people’s brains and its potential long-term effects that need answering. Only time will reveal the true potential and implications of this disruptive technology.   


Considering all facts which are given above, will assist you enough to understand the captivating invention, itsses, and applications. If we think on the flip side, we’ll surely wonder what is waiting for us shortly. Moreover, we’ll see the other shape of our worthy globe. What do you think about Elon Musk’s first crazy invention, let us know in the comments below. 

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