Where Does The Bingus Meme Originate From And What’s Its Meaning Among Among Us Players?

Fanart of Corpse Husband and Bingus
Have you heard of a YouTuber or Vlogger calling someone Bingus? It has become a popular home among streamers. Yet, many are oblivious to its existence. So you wanna know more about it?
Bingus is a bizarre inside joke which is quite popular nowadays. It is a hairless Canadian sphynx cat. Canadian Sphynx cat is light pink colored and has a lifespan of 8 to 12 years. In March 2020, this cat became a trend on the web after a video of a sphynx cat went viral.
Everyone was on the edits and short videos of sphynx cats. Later at the end of 2022, Corpse Husband used the term and its popularity once again surged.
Corpse Husband is one of the top content creators on the web. Basically, he had never shown his real face on the internet and gone live with animated snaps. His deep voice and mysterious persona attracted more than 3 million followers. When he used the word bingus as an inside joke, every follower of his revitalized the trend of Bingus.
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How did the Bingus meme come into existence?
An Instagram account with the username ‘Subaru Rocks’ posted a video. Later, many memes accounts reposted the video and named the cat. From there, numerous other accounts reposted the meme as posts and stories on their various social accounts. This game struck the whole globe.
The cat from the video was later confirmed to be from Tiktok. After much research, it was found that the actual owner of the video was Chinese. That Chinese person posted the video on his Douyin account (Chinese TikTok). But now he has deleted his account from the app and couldn’t be found.
Sphynx cat’s real name isn’t known and this trend has given it a name that is globally known. Hence, now it is called a Bingus cat.
Reddit and Twitter trends on Bingus
Bingus cat
Following the Instagram heat, Reddit didn’t remain quiet for long as well. A Reddit user skyrocketed his posts by using this meme. User u/haydongers on Reddit posted an image of the cat on the app. The subtext was; “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. hi bingus…” The post had 100 percent upvotes (about 7.1k votes). Apart from that, many people reposted and commented on the video;
“Smooth.. like a shark…”
“Bingus the destroyer of universe bingus”
“I would follow bingus into war”
“What’s the source for bingus, where did he come from”
The post also landed on the homepage of Reddit, along with multiple Reddit post of the month awards. After exploding Reddit, soon it sparked an explosion on Twitter as well.
How is Bingus related to Corpse Husband and what it means?
Among Us Livestreamer Corpse Husband
The Among Us gamer and horror-enthusiastic Corpse Husband is the real reason why this meme’s popularity went like a bat out of hell. The YouTuber tweeted about the bald cat several times on his Twitter main accounts @corpsehusband and @corpsealt.
During his gaming live streams of the game Among Us. The gamer used it as an activation word.
While playing if he’s the imposter and someone calls out, ‘Bingus’. The person standing beside that person will be killed by him. It doesn’t matter who it is but they will be killed. This act is similar to another Among Us gaming streamer Valkyrae’s Babushka.
Among Us Bingus Jokes
Among Us Video gamer Sykkuno
Corpse Husband isn’t the only gamer who uses this word as a code for killing his fellow players in Among Us. But many other top gamers use it well. Hence, it has received notable recognition among Among Us fans and became an inside joke. After calling out, usually, imposters kill everyone in the game, and later, laugh at it.
Another gamer, Sykkuno, accidentally said ‘Bing Bong, Inside Out.’ Sykkuno wanted to say Bingus but accidentally misspoke and lent another hype to the popular meme. For various hours, it was trending on Twitter.