Movies like wolf of wall street

In this article, we are going to discuss Movies like wolf of wall street. In 1987, Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) was hired as a recruiter for a Wall Street brokerage firm.
By the early 1990s, when he was still in his 20s, Belfort had acquired his firm, Stratton Oakmont.
With its trusted lieutenant (Jonah Hill) and a band of brokers, Belfort makes a fortune by deceiving wealthy investors out of millions.
However, while Belfort and his sisters participated in the controversial mix of sex, drugs, and sensationalism, the SEC and the FBI came close to empowering him.
Table of Contents
Margin Call:

In this movie Movies like wolf of wall street, When the analyst unveils information that could ruin them all, the key players in the investment firm (Kevin Spacey, Paul Betney) take drastic measures to control the loss.
In the early 1980s, a group of rich boys in Los Angeles created a rich instant scandal that turned out to be deadly.
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Inside Job:

The global financial crisis of the fall of 2008 caused millions of jobs and homes to be lost, and the United States plunged into a deepening economic crisis.
Matt Damon describes a documentary that examines in detail the elements that caused the catastrophe and identifies key financial and political players.
Director Charles Ferguson conducts a wide range of interviews and traces his story from the United States to China to Iceland to many other global financial hotspots.
As we are unfolding the topic, Movies like wolf of wall street. Nikki (Will Smith), an experienced con artist, carries a newborn named Jess (Margot Ruby) under her wing. Although Nikki teaches Jess the tricks of the trade, the pair become romantically involved. But, when Jesse gets uncomfortably close, Nikki ends their relationship.
Three years later, Nikki is working on a very dangerous scheme in Buenos Aires when Jess – now a successful Fame Fetal – appears unexpectedly. His appearance throws Nikki into a loop at a time when he can’t afford to be out of his game.
The Grand Budapest Hotel:
In the 1930s, the Grand Budapest Hotel is a popular European ski resort, presided over by the gatekeeper Gestav H (Ralph Fennis). Zero, a junior lobby boy, became Gustav’s friend and protege.
Gustavi prides itself on providing first-class service to hotel guests, including meeting the sexual needs of many older women living there.
When one of Gustavi’s admirers mysteriously dies, Gustav finds himself the recipient of a priceless painting and the main culprit in his murder.
The Imitation Game:
In 1939, the newly created British intelligence agency MI6 hired Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch), a former Cambridge mathematics student, to break Nazi codes, including Anjima – which cryptanalists considered indestructible.
Turing’s team, including John Clark (Cara Knightley), analyzes angima messages as they build a machine to understand them. Turing and Tim eventually succeed and become heroes, but in 1952, the Silent Mindset contest took place when authorities revealed he was gay and sent him to prison. Movies like wolf of wall street.
Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps:
After a long period of imprisonment for internal trade, Gordon Gecko (Michael Douglas) sees himself in a world he once commanded.
Apparently, in hopes of restoring his broken relationship with his daughter, Gekko forms an alliance with his fiance, Jake (Shia La Beef).
Although Jack Gordon comes to see him as a father figure, he strongly believes that Gecko is still a master herapoleter who will do nothing to achieve his goals.
The Big Short:
In 2008, Wall Street guru Michael Berry realized that several subprime home loans were at risk of default. Bats against the housing market by throwing more than 1 1 billion of its investors into credit default conversions.
His actions have attracted the attention of banker Jared Vanette (Ryan Gosling), hedge fund expert Mark Boom (Steve Carroll) and other greedy opportunists. Together, these individuals take full advantage of the economic catastrophe in the United States to show their good fortune.
The story of a family in four generations, centered on the girl who becomes a woman (Jennifer Lawrence) who becomes a business family and becomes a married woman on her own.
Facing the stains of betrayal, betrayal, loss of innocence and love, Joey becomes the true owner of the family and business.
After going through the storm that Joey’s inner life and intense imagination have brought him, allies become enemies and allies inside and outside the family.
This article is about Movies like wolf of wall street.
Pain and Gain:
In this movie of Movies like wolf of wall street let us telling. Based on the true story of Daniel Logo’s (Mark Wahlberg) Miami bodybuilder who wants an American dream. He wants the money that other people have.
That’s why he’s on the help list of fellow bodybuilder Adrian Dorbel (Anthony Mackey) and former criminal, Christian bodybuilder Paul Doyle (Dwayne Johnson). Their kidnapping and extortion scheme is very wrong because they have brain muscles and they try to entertain this American dream.
Molly’s Game:
The true story of Molly Bloom, a handsome, young, Olympic-class skier who played the world’s most exclusive high-stakes poker game for a decade, before 17 midnight FBI agents delivered automatic weapons.
He was arrested. Among its players were Hollywood royalties, sports stars, business titans, and, finally, the Russian mob.
Her only ally was her criminal lawyer, Charlie Jaffe, who learned that Molly had more than just making people believe through tabloids.
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