Which Is The Oldest Religion In The World? 5 Religions & Their Principle

Explore which is the oldest religion in the world. Is it Judaism, Christianity, or Islam as these overlap?
Do you also believe religion is the key component in identifying communities? It led humans to question their origin and the reasoning behind their existence. It even gives rise to the question, Which is the oldest religion in the world? In today’s era, multiple religions are being practiced all over the globe. Some are claimed to exist even before the dawn of earth, but we aren’t wholly sure about it.
Some most commonly practiced religions are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, along with other less prevalent ones.
Religion influences cultures, social classes, politics, nation’s views, and other factors. One thing undeniable is that religion is innate; regardless of religion, everyone is aware of what’s wrong and right.
But people often resort to religion for their deepest philosophical and existential concerns. It has manifested into giving rise to multiple religious sectors.
These religions have had their roots since the the 15th century or maybe more than that. The largely followed religion is Christianity, while Islam and Judaism seem to be last on the list due to the population practicing it.
In this guide, we will delve deeper into which is the oldest religion in the world practiced wholeheartedly, along with other popular religions.
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Which Is The Oldest Religion In The World?
It might be a bit difficult to conclude just one oldest religion because there are five religions recorded till now, which trace back to ancient times and have been in place since humankind existed.
Each religion is identified by its unique customs and cultural perspectives.
Which is the oldest religion in the world? Is it Judaism? This religion was followed by Isarelis and Judah and has its origin in the 9th to 5th century BCE. It is founded by Prophet Abraham.
Israel follows this religion and is considered to be the foundation of all Abrahamic religious groups because it is of Prophet Abraham, who was born in Ur in Mesopotamia.
Abraham has been followed by Jews and even predominantly discussed in Jewish scriptures, called Torah. As per history, Abraham was ordered by God to leave their native land and relocate to Canaan, which in modern days called, Palestine. Upon reaching Palestine, Abraham asked his followers to practice Judaism.

This is considered the oldest monotheistic religion, Jews believe in one God, Yahweh. As per their scriptures, Yahweh formed a covenant and sworn to protect Abraham and his followers as long as they stayed faithful. Due to this belief, Jewish people are called, ‘Chosen people of God’.
Even Jesus Christ followed Judaism in his youth as per the the scriptures in the Torah. Jewish frowned upon contradicting beliefs that Jesus Christ isn’t the God unlike Judaistic teachings of considering Yahweh their God.
If you are interested in knowing more about Judaism, then do visit Jaffa in Israel, as it gives you a glimpse into history.
This religion even predates Judaism and is considered one of the earliest pre-Islamic religions practiced by Persians in Iran. The founder of this religion is Prophet Zoroaster, and is still in practice in Iran. Its origin dates back to 10th-5th century BCE.
The prophet Zoroaster was also known as Zarathustra; that’s how the the religion got its name.
Now, we are considering Zoroastrianism after Judaism. The Persian Empire allowed this religion to become prominent, which is why it’s now predominantly practiced in Iraq, Iraq, and even India or Pakistan.
The religion’s origin has been linked to Yazdanism, which is a Kurdish religious concept, the term is defined as a Cult of Angels who are seven and protect the world from evil. This religion also acknowledges and believes in Abraham, the Prophets who believe in reincarnation, which is similar to Islam.
The followers in this monotheistic religion are faithful to the God, Ahura Mazda; the prophet preached about Ahura Mazda’s revelations; the law upholds goodness, truthfulness, and righteousness.
Another belief of Zoroastrianism is Faravahar, meaning eternity; fire is of high significance in this religion.
Because fire is considered a symbol of purification and light, therefore the Faravahar and fire are always burning in Zoroastrian temples, and these temples are known to be gifted to their followers by Ahura Mazda.
The significant landmark that acknowledges the history and culture of Iran is the Bazehoor Fire Temples.
Is Christianity the oldest religion? Yes, it might be, it originated in Nazareth around 30 AD and is practiced in European and even Middle Eastern countries. It was founded by Jesus Christ, who was born and raised in the Jewish land of Nazareth. But when he grew up to be an adult, his community shunned him because of his opposing claims of acknowledging just one God.
Christians’ beliefs are on Trinity, including three people in one God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. Christians believe Jesus Christ to be a God and Human existing on Earth, which comes with so many loopholes in their Bible scriptures.
The Prophet preached to his followers to practice kindness, forgiveness, and faithfulness. The prophet also preached about giving alms to the poor and forgiving people for their sins and wrongdoings.

Jesus Christ also practiced Judaism, and he simplified the Commandments of Moses into two key principles: Loving God and Loving one’s neighbor. His ideas attracted people in Israel, and they reverted to Christianity from their religion, and it disappointed some Jews.
There was a conspiracy to torture and kill Jesus Christ when he turned 30, but he ascended to heaven alive, and that’s how the 12 apostles concept arose. When Paul became a prominent figure and was later named the first Pope. Which is the oldest religion in the world is answered when we learn that Christianity is one of the most followed and even extensive religion.
It has several denominations, including Catholicism, Restorationism, Non-Trinitarianism, Protestantism, Oriental Orthodoxy, and Church of the East.
This religion also traced back to ancient times. It originated in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in 610 AD. In Islam, the teachings of Prophet Abraham seem to be a pillar of foundation, so they often clash with Judaism and Christianity due to the following of divine revelations to assigned founders.
Muslims have firm faith that Prophet Abraham is the first Prophet of Allah who revealed Allah’s messages to the following prophets, including Prophet Muhammad, the last prophet.
The religious overlap is also due to all these three religions acknowledging recognition of Abraham and the archangel, Gabriel.

The term Islam refers to God’s submission, meaning Allah must be prioritized in all aspects of life. The concept of Jihad is given much importance, which comprises physical, spiritual, and emotional struggles to defend the faith against challenges that are distressing sometimes.
Which is the oldest religion in the world? Is it Islam? With the concepts and firm beliefs, it might be the one after Judaism.
The divine book, The Quran comprises the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) , and five Pillars are described including shahada (faith), salat (prayer), zakat (charity), sawm (fasting), and hajj (pilgrimage).
Like Christianity, Islam also includes denominations, Sunni and Shiite Islam, and this diversion is about the succession of Muhammad.
Shitte Muslims believe in direct descendants to be the successors, while Sunni believes there’s no concept of a successor after their Holy Prophet.
Buddhism is another of the oldest religions existing on Earth; it has its roots in the 6th-5th century BCE and originates in Lumbini, in modern-day Nepal. The founder is known to be Siddhartha Gautama, commonly called Buddha. Gautama belonged to a wealthy family and never had to suffer even a single hardship till he turned 29, but right after that, his life turned upside down.
He suffered through problems like poverty and inequality away from the shield of his palace, and it led him to seek enlightenment, adopt a simple life, and be content with poverty.

Gautama’s teachings are to steer clear of materialistic things and embrace simplicity in life, and these teachings are still followed by Buddhists today. The lotus flower symbolizes Buddhists’ determination and resilience to thrive even in adversity; Buddhists believe they can go through tough situations and be a better person if only they are resilient.
Buddhism Origin can be better understood if you visit Boudhanath Stupa in Nepal, a site in Kathmandu that represents Buddha and Buddhist principles.
In conclusion, we know man possesses a curious nature, and it often leads to wonder which is the oldest religion in the world. It is surmised to be Judaism because it was founded by Prophet Abraham. Other prophets who preached teachings of other religions came after Prophet Abraham, but still, the oldest religion doesn’t have to be the most prevalent one.
Judaism is only followed by Israelis and Juddah people. Then comes Zoroastrianism, which in modern era followed by Iranians. Then, our bets on Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism consequently.
There are plenty of other religions which might be old including Jainism, Sikhism, crucifixion, and Hinduism, etc.
Give it a thorough read to know the principles of the oldest religions. Which religion do you follow?
FAQs on Which Is The Oldest Religion In The World
Which religion is the first in earth?
It’s known to be Hinduism, a religion called Sanātaba dharna because people have been worshipping statues since the existence of the earth.
Which is the most powerful religion?
Islam is ranked to be the most powerful religion because it is followed by 1.9 billion people.
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