
How to Remove Nasal Polyps? Symptoms, Causes, & Home Remedies 

Recently you have had a runny nose or some itching? It can be due to Nasal polyps. It is the small growth of tissues in your nasal passage. Moreover, they are like tiny droplets that take place inside your nose. However, they are not cancerous but can irritate, and cause congestion, and sinus issues. 

I know you must be eager to learn how to remove nasal polyps. According to some experts, there is no such home remedy that will help you to heal it. Only the surgery called nasal polypectomy is the solution to your problem. 

However, I believe that natural remedies like taking steam for 5-10 mins, drinking herbal tea, saline rinse, honey water, tea tree oil, and turmeric with warm milk can help you remove nasal polyps. 

Furthermore, in this article, we will talk about the symptoms, causes, procedures for surgery, prevention after surgery, and natural remedies. 

How to Remove Nasal Polyps through Medication? 

If you are not willing to remove your nasal polyps through surgery then you can try medication for 2-3 months. Most of the doctors prescribe steroids and sprays for the treatment. 

Nasal Corticosteroid Sprays

Considered the best spray for nasal polyps treatment in a longer period. It is effective and helps to shrink polyps. Moreover, it helps in removing itching and congestion. 

Oral Steroids 

Oral steroids are a bit risky to be used for a long period. Use them as per the prescription of a doctor. Moreover, they are also a good way to reduce inflammation and help in shrinking nasal polyps growth. 


If you have congestion and a runny nose continuously you need to consult a doctor. And he will prescribe you antibiotics to give relief to your nasal polyps. 

Nasal Saline

You can take nasal saline in a nebulizer to open up your nasal passage through steam. It is the most effective way and can be done easily at home. 

What are the Symptoms of Nasal Polyps? 

Having large nasal polyps in the nasal passage can cause a lot of problems. Make sure to treat it within time. Here are symptoms that will help you to identify the disease. 

  • Headaches
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Losing sense of smell and taste
  • Sinus
  • Snoring
  • Bleeding from nose
  • Asthma attack

If you are aware of the symptoms you may like to know how would you have caught nasal polyps. We would say the causes in easy words. 

What are the Causes of Nasal Canal Blockage? 

The most common reasons for catching nasal polyps are allergies, asthma attacks, and contamination. If you have a nasal infection it will take three months to heal with medication. However, if it is nasal polyps you need to have a checkup from your doctor to prevent any risks. 

  • Asthma
  • Polen allergy
  • Repeated nasal infection
  • Pancreatic Fibrosis
  • Allergic to certain anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Transferred from genes

All of these are the causes of nasal polyps. Make sure to stay away from all of these things to prevent them from getting stronger and more risky. 

What is the Surgical Procedure for Removing Nasal Polyps? 

If you have tried all the medications and still you feel the same consult your doctor. He will surely recommend surgical procedures. Don’t worry there is nothing to be tensed about because we have a guide that will take you through the steps of the procedure before going into operation.

  1. Before your procedure day, you will be asked to fast for a certain time you can say a few hours before arriving at the clinic or hospital.
  2. A small camera will be used and inserted in your nasal passage to have a clear look. The smaller polyps will be removed by a suction device.
  3. If still some particles are left the doctor will use a microdebrider a surgical tool to remove and clean your nasal passage. 
  4. After the nasal passage cleaning a steroid will be put on to help in healing.
  5. If the doctor is satisfied with your healing and after recovery, you will be discharged the next day. 

There is no need to worry about any anesthesia or incision as this process is only done through your nostrils. 

What are the After Effects of Nosal Polyps Surgery? 

After you are done with the surgery and back home safely it will take a week to heal and be back to normal. In between there will be some swallowing, pain, and a little bleeding whenever you blow your nose. 

Keep taking the medicine as per the doctor’s advice and take a regular checkup to see the progress of your nasal passage healing. 

After the successful surgery, you will feel different. How can we see that? Let me tell you.

  • No more congestion and sinus
  • Be able to smell and taste
  • No runny or itchy nose
  • Breathing properly

To avoid nasal passage blocking again in the future make sure to take care and stay away from the things that cause the disease. Moreover, keep taking nasal saline and steroids to prevent it from coming back. 

After this, I would recommend some natural home remedies to avoid nasal polyps if they are smaller in growth and can be treated at home easily.

What are Natural Remedies at Home to Avoid Nasal Polyps? 

Sometimes your nose is runny and blocked due to nasal blockage. So, how to remove nasal polyps naturally at home? Several tips and tricks can help you to heal and remove polyps. 

Steam to Avoid Nasal Blockage

If you have a congestion problem frequently take steam by covering your head. Inhale a long breath and release it through the nose. It will help to thin out the mucus present in your nose. 

Saline Rinse for Sinus Patients

The saltwater present in saline helps to dry the mucus and irritation caused due to nasal polyps. You can use it in a nebulizer or a boiling pot. 

Honey Water 

Take half a cup of boiled water and some honey. Drink it 1-2 times a day. It will help to fight the nasal blockage through its anti-oxidant properties. 

Tea Tree Oil 

If you do not like using sprays then try using essential oils like tea tree oil, lavender oil, and thyme oil. It will help to release congestion and sinus infection. 

Turmeric in Boiled Milk

Curcumin a component widely found in turmeric helps to fight against the infected part. Moreover, its anti-inflammatory properties reduce nasal infection. 

Wrap Up 

How to remove nasal polyps? There is no such way that you can remove your nasal polyps at home. However, you can reduce the pain and congestion a little bit by following natural home remedies like taking steam, using essential oils, having a balanced diet, taking rest, and using saline water. 

If there is still no change consult a doctor to treat the problem at the earliest to avoid any risk. The expert will surely prescribe you some medication, nasal sprays, and steroids. 

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Waqar Ahmad

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